School Pictures...

... that time of year again! Fall brings school & school brings school pictures. As tradition would have it, I am taking their pictures again this year. It is so much cheaper this way & we get to choose how, where, when , what, etc! We had so much fun at the Mapleton Park.
Jen, my entire purpose in going to the park was to take some pictures by that pealy blue door. Remember that?? remember the picture of Jake that we took of him in front of it? Well..... apparantly the city of Mapleton didn't think that that beautiful blue pealy door was as great as we thought that it was because it was changed out for another 'newer' door! GRRR! I was SICK! i tell ya. :(
Well, so here are some of what we came up with. I still can't decide on which is my fav. Some that i really LOVE didn't focus very well. totally bummed about that fact!
So what do ya think? Which are you favs?


Jen and Kent said…
Do you think it is the same door but maybe they stripped all of that cool paint off. Maybe it was lead paint but it sure was cool!

I like #3 of Sadie (the close up) and the one of drake sitting up on the wagon. They all are adorable though. The one of them together looking over their shoulders is too cute!
Carrie said…
Oh my, that is so hard to decide. They are all so great. You have become quite the photographer Jod. I really like that one of Sadie with her sweet smile and the simple croock of her head. And I also really like the one of Drake and Sadie together looking back at the camera. I also like the simple close up of Sadie that jen likes and the wagon one of Drake. TOUGH CHOICE!!!!
P.s. Jen, Maybe you should get Jake tested for the whole lead paint thing :)
Jodi June said…
ROTFL! Carrie @ the comment about 'jake getting tested for the whole lead paint thing'.

Ok, doesn't anyone like the one of Drake leaning on the log cabin? That one was my fav of him. I like the one of Drake on the wagon, but i dont like the pole that is in it in the back ground. Maybe i can somehow photoshop that out! Carrie, maybe i need your help with that!
Jen and Kent said…
Okay, what the heck does ROTFL mean? Am I lame?!?
Jodi June said…
ROTFL! Jen... you are SO lame! Ü
LOL= laugh out loud

rotfl is just the next step up in your syber hilerium. Ü

ROTFL= roll on the floor laughing. Ü
Shauna said…
This is such a great idea because I never know what to do with the school photos they are usually so corny looking. I think I'll try this with some of the fall leaves in the mountains. Another place I kind of like is downtown Provo behind some of the buildings in the alley's. I know this sounds strange but I love the contrast between the old worn-out brick buildings and the sweet, crisp look of the children. I'm doing this for Christmas cards this year.
Carrie said…
Oh my! That is too funny. Jen, before I read your comment about what ROTFl was.....I had just already googled it. I think Jodi might be the lame one here! ROTFL!
Carrie said…
I was thinking maybe it was Right out of the left field or something. I was trying really hard to get it and then just went to google it.
Carrie said…
I do like the log cabin one, Jod. There is just something about his smile in the one on the wagon though. It is like this sweet little child-like smile in contrast with his growing up way to fast body! ROTFL!
auntieC said…
Now girls... Jen and Carrie you really didn't know what ROTFL meant? That's so funny I'm ROTFLMBO. It's so fun "listening" to you sisters "discuss" stuff like this.
Carrie said…
What is that, Cheryl? Roll On The Floor & Let My Boobs Out? Totally inappropriate!
auntieC said…
Carrie,I like your version it made me rotfl...mao!
auntieC said…
Hi Jods,I was just over visiting Carries blog and saw your message to me about the kids pic's...I really love em all but I think my fav's are Drake leaning on the log cabin and Sadie in front of the wagon wheel & the off-center one in front of the "recently stripped of all lead paint" door. Your kids are so beautiful. I love 'em!!

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