Pickles, tattoos, Blue Ribbons & Porches...
We had such a fun, filled to the brim, weekend! Just look at all the things we did!!
First Drake was mad & sad cause he thought his homework was too hard...
Then he was fine...
and ended up getting a Great grade on his project!! Way to go Drake!
Friday was our Stake Harvest Fair. Sadie was busy making her baking entry.
Once we arrived, got all our goodies registered and entered, Drake got to see some HOT cars...
and decided to get a tattoo

Tough Drake! So Tough!
Sadie frolicked up, on, in, under, over & through a bunch of hay bales
Until she decided to save the world... at least the world to this beautiful dragon fly. The heroine, in the face of danger and adversity & from a position of seemingly weakness, she displayed courage and the will for self-sacrifice, as she pulled the broken winged dragonfly from a HUGE spider web. EW! spiders!
She decorated a delish cupcake...
and then following in her brothers footsteps,
also got a 'tough' tattoo along with one of her BFF's Sammy. Connected Forever... or at least until Saturday night showers...
As IF she weren't busy enough... being the super girl that she is... she also walked away from the Fair with a Blue Ribbon for her ewwwy geuwwwy Oatmeal Chocolate Carmel bars!! 
yes! Sadie!
What did Jodi do you ask? She went back for Seconds on Hot Dogs. Mmmm They were So good!
and was just an overall PROUD Mommy as she watched her two angels be HEROS.
What did Jodi do you ask? She went back for Seconds on Hot Dogs. Mmmm They were So good!
Saturday was Jodi's day to shine! with the help from some of her BFF's (thanks Jenni, You are the BEST!)Jodi, accomplished her first canning experience! I made these beautiful works of art! Just LOOK at how pretty they turned out! Have you ever seen pickles look so good? and they are going to taste so good too!
and if all these things weren't enough JOY. You would think that this all would have filled my heart to the brim, but there is MORE! My other BFF, Rhett-started to build my FRONT PORCH! Here is my already, 'too cute to be real', adorable house & the front where we sit for long whiles at times. How can we improve on this... right? It isn't going to be easy, but Rhett is going to give it is best shot-by building me a covered FRONT PORCH! Why do you ask?
Because this is the view that i have from that amazing front porch. 
Here is the first hole... 
and a marker for one of the FRONT PORCH posts... How could i get any happier?
and a marker for one of the FRONT PORCH posts... How could i get any happier?
OH! ... and I went on a date! Ü
Sadie said 'yea for my Mom!'
You would know who... if you would answer my calls! or return them even... Ü
I miss you.
I miss being able to talk to you whenever i need too. I miss you being my constant CHEERleader and moral uplift-er.
I miss you.
btw...yes, i must say those are the prettiest pickles I have ever seen. My girls could gobble those up quick. They LOVE pickles!
Little tiny words at the bottom that we were all supposed to maybe skim over and those are the ones THAT JUMPED RIGHT OUT AT ME! LOL
I could not be smiling more right now Sugar! heehee
Good for you!
hey,i'll answer my phone,too.