Practice Kindness
During my usual 'favorite distractions' reading today,
I came across this wonderful blog - Operation Nice - what a breath of fresh aire & happiness. The thought of kindness, being polite, and manners in an often 'not so kind' world, is something I think about a lot. You see, being nice is important to me & it is something that i am trying very hard to teach & instill into my children. To be polite, grateful, thankful, aware-i believe that all these things are a part of being Nice. I try to teach this to them through example. I love to be nice, I love to be kind - especially to someone who might not expect it. Like purchasing the items that the person behind me in line at the Texaco in the morning, has in their hands - just because.
Being nice goes a long way towards feeling happiness - not just for the receiver, but most often for the giver.....
And you know what? When you're nice, often you get it back in return. I completely understand that just sometimes we don't feel like being kind, we all have "those days", but the reminder to be kind is relevant for us all. and you never know... when you are having "one of those days", it might just be someone Else that shows a bit of kindness to help make Your day better! What goes around comes around! Ü

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Photo credits: Cute shirts from Tees for Change, Happiness Pic (happiness is only real when shared) {Barca,,'s, Kindness pic ann johns illustration.
Photo credits: Cute shirts from Tees for Change, Happiness Pic (happiness is only real when shared) {Barca,,'s, Kindness pic ann johns illustration.