How did i get here?
It was 11:18 last night. I was still up. The house is very quiet. Kids in bed for hours already... & I realize that there were 2 WII games that needed to be returned to Blockbuster before midnight so as to Not occur a late charge. Grrr! *grumble-grumble* Upon returning home, I realized there was still a sink full of dishes from the days baking & dinner, waiting to be washed. So, there I was washing dishes, when all of a sudden-(Dileriah has set in at this point) I looked at the plate that i was washing and my thoughts shot back to when i was right out of high school & renting my very first apartment. Ahhh, the good ol days!
In an instant, it felt like it was only yesterday!...
...and yet, in the same moment I wondered, as panic started to set in... 'how did i get here?' 'When did i become a "big girl? Adult"'? 'Who put ME in charge?' 'Am i seriously the one standing here... washing the dishes, late at night, cause if i don't... my Mom s not going to wash them & no one else will'? 'Oh my goodness! I am a Mother!! - In charge (I'm in CHARrrGE???--seriously????) of taking care of, feeding, teaching and loving TWO adorable faces!??' Holy Crap!!! I just forked out a lot of $$$ to pay the mortgage! I have a mortgage???' 'Iiii have to pay the electric, student loans, gas, water, phone, garbage & internet, TV bill & buy food too???' What the.....?
The entire days events began to flash before my eyes.
alarm @ 4:21, (seriously!! who gets up at that hour?!!)(& why :'21' you might ask? cause my snoooze button is 9 minutes long...duh! Ü) run, kids up for school, load of laundry in, breakfast, get dressed, brush teeth, comb hair, where are my shoes?, Drake- can you please take out the garbage?, let the dog out, making lunches, family prayer, my bike tire is Flat!, back packs, getting kids to school--on time, me showered, myself dressed, cleaning, visits at the Texaco, work, work, work, grocery store, post office, bank, get kids home from school, finding love notes!, snack, Drake-can you please take out the garbage?, change laundry loads, how was your day?, OH! Super Student-sweet, playing, vaccume, neighbors, library, cleaning, where's all the pencils?, homework, a few tears, harvest fair projects, phone, dust, baking, painting pictures, dinner, cleaning, Drake-can you please take out the garbage?, jammies, brush teeth, wash hands, say prayers, read books, journals, someone forgot to put on a new TP roll, wipe down the bathroom while i'm at it, kisses good night, favorite part of the day discussion, texting, construction plans, correct 3rd graders Math quizes 4 Mrs. E, phone calls, visiting, took the garbage out myself, blog (Ü), OH! and the D-O-G. (fit him in there a few more times during the day too), turn on the news, Spetember 11th, fold laundry, return WII games (grrr! *grumble-grumble*), sink overflowing of dishes, now its Friday, 12:06, bed--only to lay awake for another long while so that i can worry about the next days events.
(whaaaaat?) (That is when i bought that particular plate set.) (i know i know... but why fix what ain't broke?) Ü (it is still almost a full set & works just fine!) lol
In an instant, it felt like it was only yesterday!...
...and yet, in the same moment I wondered, as panic started to set in... 'how did i get here?' 'When did i become a "big girl? Adult"'? 'Who put ME in charge?' 'Am i seriously the one standing here... washing the dishes, late at night, cause if i don't... my Mom s not going to wash them & no one else will'? 'Oh my goodness! I am a Mother!! - In charge (I'm in CHARrrGE???--seriously????) of taking care of, feeding, teaching and loving TWO adorable faces!??' Holy Crap!!! I just forked out a lot of $$$ to pay the mortgage! I have a mortgage???' 'Iiii have to pay the electric, student loans, gas, water, phone, garbage & internet, TV bill & buy food too???' What the.....?
The entire days events began to flash before my eyes.
alarm @ 4:21, (seriously!! who gets up at that hour?!!)(& why :'21' you might ask? cause my snoooze button is 9 minutes long...duh! Ü) run, kids up for school, load of laundry in, breakfast, get dressed, brush teeth, comb hair, where are my shoes?, Drake- can you please take out the garbage?, let the dog out, making lunches, family prayer, my bike tire is Flat!, back packs, getting kids to school--on time, me showered, myself dressed, cleaning, visits at the Texaco, work, work, work, grocery store, post office, bank, get kids home from school, finding love notes!, snack, Drake-can you please take out the garbage?, change laundry loads, how was your day?, OH! Super Student-sweet, playing, vaccume, neighbors, library, cleaning, where's all the pencils?, homework, a few tears, harvest fair projects, phone, dust, baking, painting pictures, dinner, cleaning, Drake-can you please take out the garbage?, jammies, brush teeth, wash hands, say prayers, read books, journals, someone forgot to put on a new TP roll, wipe down the bathroom while i'm at it, kisses good night, favorite part of the day discussion, texting, construction plans, correct 3rd graders Math quizes 4 Mrs. E, phone calls, visiting, took the garbage out myself, blog (Ü), OH! and the D-O-G. (fit him in there a few more times during the day too), turn on the news, Spetember 11th, fold laundry, return WII games (grrr! *grumble-grumble*), sink overflowing of dishes, now its Friday, 12:06, bed--only to lay awake for another long while so that i can worry about the next days events.
How did i get here again?

I am 48 yrs young and wonder each day - how did it go so fast??
I love your blog and enjoying reading about your family!!
Take care,
Karen in Texas
Thanks for visiting! I tried to email you back... but the 'system' wouldn't let me. Ü
The garbage can wait... Ü
I'm in awe of your strength and so jealous of your ability to do what you do. I felt a rush of memories as I read your words..and I remembered these words from an old song" God bless the child that has his own " apparently you do. I want to be just like you when I grow up.