Hale Centre Theater - BIG!
We LOVE Hale Centre Theater! If you will remember, not too long ago, I posted about our visit-our first visit -here- to Hale Centre Theater. WELL... the internet is an amazing place. Somehow a new dear friend of ours, Ryan Bott, stumbled upon my lil' ol blog and my Hale Centre Theater post in particular. He read through it, and then he contacted me, introduced himself and mentioned that he had read about our visit. He read that we had planned on attenting the production 'BIG' when it came out. Well, in his sweet email, Ryan offered us tickets to go and see 'BIG'.
At first... I was like... what the??? who is this? and why is he being so nice? and why would he be so generous? and who is this? LOL! Well, after several emails back and forth, we got to know Ryan just a little bit & we of course happily and humbly accepted his invitation to attend the production of 'BIG'. We couldn't wait!!!

Well, the day did finally arrive! It was so cute. I got an email from Ryan that morning. It was a 'reminder' email. When i emailed him back i told him. Thank you for being so thoughtful and sending a reminder... but 'we Certainly have not forgotten! We are SO planning on being there!Ü'. We couldn't wait.
This time, we decided to go out to dinner before the show. It was SO much easier getting the kids to get ready this time! lol They were excited too. They got dressed and ready without complaining like last time. Off we went. Dinner was great... although i think that if there is a next time we all agree that we won't go back to the same place.
We ate, and then arrived to the theater just a little bit early. We picked up our tickets in will call where Ryan had left them for us. (too fun! he left them under 'Jodi Sugarplum') haha! After we had picked up the tickets... I wanted to make sure that Ryan was there, so that we could look for him & be sure to at least find him afterwards to meet him and thank him in person. So, i went back to the will call ticket window and asked if Ryan was here? She imediately jumped up and said YES! let me go and get him. She was so quick... i didn't have a chance to object. Ü We waited for just a few minutes before Ryan came out to greet us. OH! my goodness! What a sweetheart! and handsome to boot! ;) and wouldn't you know it... he continued to spoil us!!!! After introductions, he said that he had gotten permission to take us on a tour!!! WHAT!? OH! my gosh! Seriously!? A TOUR??? We were SO excited! The kids were doing everything they could to not jump out of their skin! Ryan took us all around and showed us Everything! Under the stage, OH! my goodness under the stage! It gave a new meaning to 'Annie get your gun'. In the production 'Annie get your gun', they had so many things coming up from underneath the stage in that production! It was so amazing to see underneath the stage! In this production, they had a HUGE trampoline attached to the underbelly of the stage, that came up later in the production. (any of you that have seen the movie BIG-will know exactly what part that is) It was really so cute how the actors just bounced right along and did their parts! too KEWL! We got to see the props rooms,(tonz and tonz of props for this one. LOTS & Lots of toys, as you can imagine! Drake & Sadie's eyes were bulging! at all the toys!) the dressing rooms, the costume rooms-where they make all the AMAZING costumes!! (it was really a dream studio! took my breath away) lol We got to peek in on all the actors--eating their dinner before the show. (they all seemed so relaxed!! I was more nervous then they were! guess they had done this a few times! lol) We got to see the control room, where they control all the lights and the sounds and gosh... just Everything! It was seriously so amazing! The tour that Ryan gave us was certainly an added bonus that we were NOT expecting. It was just a treat to get to see 'behind the scenes' and get a better idea of what REALLY goes into a production and seriously what an amount of work it is! It was unbelievable, and we felt so lucky to see some of it! So kewl!
The show of course was FANTASTIC! It was SO much fun for us to have been able to actually meet Ryan before the show... because then During the show... We each would try and be the first one to find him when he came out on stage! Ü Ryan played several different parts that evening so it was fun picking him out in his different costumes. I totally wish we could have gotten a picture of him in his 'arcade guy' wig! Ü Actually... i am sad we didnt' even get a single picture with Ryan! :( That was dumb on my part!
The singing was unreal! I think that Drake really enjoyed the fact that there were so many boys involved in the production, that were close to his age. The entire show was an 80's flashback!!! oh! my goodness! Did we REALLY dress like that? HILERIOUS! and our hair!? haha! (i should see if i can find a picture of my senior portrait!) hehee!
Another part we liked was when the jr. exectutives of the toy company would meet and get some 'bad' news... they would "grumble". We loved it when the actors would say 'grumble'. it sounded so kewl. haha! All the actors would say 'grumble' at the same time, yet at different times and repeat it several times. it came out really sounding like they were 'grumbling'. HAHA!
Of course our other favorite part was the trampoline scene. Just to kewl!
We had a Fabulous time! We can't wait to go again. I have invited my Mom & Dad out for Christmas. They haven't decided for sure if they are going to come out or not. Well, when i was telling Mom about our night at BIG, i mentioned that they were doing "The Christmas Carol" during the Christmas season. She got all excited about that. I told her, that if they commit to coming out for Christmas... that i would buy her and Daddy & us tickets so that we could all go! That is some pretty good incentive, I think! Ü
Ryan, if you happen to be reading this... THANK YOU! I don't know if you know what your kindness and generosity did for us. For me. It is so good to know, that there are decent people in the world, that will be kind to strangers, like us, for no other reason then because you wanted too. You gave my tiny lil' family a happy memory that we will treasure forever! Thank you for that! Your kindness will never be forgotten!

At first... I was like... what the??? who is this? and why is he being so nice? and why would he be so generous? and who is this? LOL! Well, after several emails back and forth, we got to know Ryan just a little bit & we of course happily and humbly accepted his invitation to attend the production of 'BIG'. We couldn't wait!!!
This time, we decided to go out to dinner before the show. It was SO much easier getting the kids to get ready this time! lol They were excited too. They got dressed and ready without complaining like last time. Off we went. Dinner was great... although i think that if there is a next time we all agree that we won't go back to the same place.
We ate, and then arrived to the theater just a little bit early. We picked up our tickets in will call where Ryan had left them for us. (too fun! he left them under 'Jodi Sugarplum') haha! After we had picked up the tickets... I wanted to make sure that Ryan was there, so that we could look for him & be sure to at least find him afterwards to meet him and thank him in person. So, i went back to the will call ticket window and asked if Ryan was here? She imediately jumped up and said YES! let me go and get him. She was so quick... i didn't have a chance to object. Ü We waited for just a few minutes before Ryan came out to greet us. OH! my goodness! What a sweetheart! and handsome to boot! ;) and wouldn't you know it... he continued to spoil us!!!! After introductions, he said that he had gotten permission to take us on a tour!!! WHAT!? OH! my gosh! Seriously!? A TOUR??? We were SO excited! The kids were doing everything they could to not jump out of their skin! Ryan took us all around and showed us Everything! Under the stage, OH! my goodness under the stage! It gave a new meaning to 'Annie get your gun'. In the production 'Annie get your gun', they had so many things coming up from underneath the stage in that production! It was so amazing to see underneath the stage! In this production, they had a HUGE trampoline attached to the underbelly of the stage, that came up later in the production. (any of you that have seen the movie BIG-will know exactly what part that is) It was really so cute how the actors just bounced right along and did their parts! too KEWL! We got to see the props rooms,(tonz and tonz of props for this one. LOTS & Lots of toys, as you can imagine! Drake & Sadie's eyes were bulging! at all the toys!) the dressing rooms, the costume rooms-where they make all the AMAZING costumes!! (it was really a dream studio! took my breath away) lol We got to peek in on all the actors--eating their dinner before the show. (they all seemed so relaxed!! I was more nervous then they were! guess they had done this a few times! lol) We got to see the control room, where they control all the lights and the sounds and gosh... just Everything! It was seriously so amazing! The tour that Ryan gave us was certainly an added bonus that we were NOT expecting. It was just a treat to get to see 'behind the scenes' and get a better idea of what REALLY goes into a production and seriously what an amount of work it is! It was unbelievable, and we felt so lucky to see some of it! So kewl!
The show of course was FANTASTIC! It was SO much fun for us to have been able to actually meet Ryan before the show... because then During the show... We each would try and be the first one to find him when he came out on stage! Ü Ryan played several different parts that evening so it was fun picking him out in his different costumes. I totally wish we could have gotten a picture of him in his 'arcade guy' wig! Ü Actually... i am sad we didnt' even get a single picture with Ryan! :( That was dumb on my part!
The singing was unreal! I think that Drake really enjoyed the fact that there were so many boys involved in the production, that were close to his age. The entire show was an 80's flashback!!! oh! my goodness! Did we REALLY dress like that? HILERIOUS! and our hair!? haha! (i should see if i can find a picture of my senior portrait!) hehee!
Another part we liked was when the jr. exectutives of the toy company would meet and get some 'bad' news... they would "grumble". We loved it when the actors would say 'grumble'. it sounded so kewl. haha! All the actors would say 'grumble' at the same time, yet at different times and repeat it several times. it came out really sounding like they were 'grumbling'. HAHA!
Of course our other favorite part was the trampoline scene. Just to kewl!
We had a Fabulous time! We can't wait to go again. I have invited my Mom & Dad out for Christmas. They haven't decided for sure if they are going to come out or not. Well, when i was telling Mom about our night at BIG, i mentioned that they were doing "The Christmas Carol" during the Christmas season. She got all excited about that. I told her, that if they commit to coming out for Christmas... that i would buy her and Daddy & us tickets so that we could all go! That is some pretty good incentive, I think! Ü
Ryan, if you happen to be reading this... THANK YOU! I don't know if you know what your kindness and generosity did for us. For me. It is so good to know, that there are decent people in the world, that will be kind to strangers, like us, for no other reason then because you wanted too. You gave my tiny lil' family a happy memory that we will treasure forever! Thank you for that! Your kindness will never be forgotten!