It's your Birthday!!... It's your Birthday!!... It's your Birthday!!!
Spring is my most favorite time of year! (then Fall) I just LOVE spring because to me it is the birth of new things. New life pops up all around! It is hard to miss! From the new green grass, to tulips, to blossoms, to 'literal' new life! I just love Spring!
I have been checking on our beautiful blue Robin eggs every day! I just had to come in and shre with you the LATEST!! Here is the latest update on our new Robin Neighbors! Ü One new life has begun! 3 more yet to begin. OH! he is so Beautiful... in his ugly sort of way!
The Mommy & Daddy Robin were standing guard this morning as i checked the nest. OH! they are SO protective! I think that it is so wonderful. If they only knew that i wanted the best for their tiny family as much as they do! Ü I just want to take proud family pictures! hehee
As i was taking the pictures, i heard both of them of course... balking away! They never flew out of the tree. They stood their ground! mearly feet from me - it times... only inches!! At one point as i was taking one of the pictures... all of a sudden I felt one of them brush through the back of my hair!!! zoiiiks!!! Ü
I have been checking every day on them. and today is the day! It is a beautiful, perfect spring morning! A PERFECT day for a birthday!
