Update on 'The Robins'... The Journey
I found out the truth today, about what happened to my babies. My new next door neighbor came over today. She said that she wanted to let me know what happened. Yesterday when we got home from Aspen Grove, I had Drake and Sadie ask the boys if they knew of anything happening to the birds. They really are sweet, adorable boys. I didn't think that they would ever try and get up in the tree, let alone harm the babies in any way. When Drake and Sadie asked them if they knew anything... they said that they didn't.
Kelly, the mom, came over today to talk to me. She knew how excited i was about these babies and the Robins & their little family. I had shown her pictures that i had taken and they knew that i went up in the tree every day to check on them and take an updated picture.
Well, she came over to let me know that her 13 year old Daughter and a friend of hers... had gone up into the tree, and moved the nest down lower so that they could see the nest more easily i guess. It wasn't the boys at all. I was right about them. They wouldn't have done anything to them. The daughter had a friend over i guess, and they didn't mean to harm the birds. They even used plastic gloves I guess so that they wouldn't 'touch' the nest. They moved it down lower. Well, I felt so bad. Very sad that the babies had died and also very bad because i know that this little girl didn't mean to harm them I don't think. She didn't know.
Well, the nest got moved... and i don't know what happened after that. I don't know if the momma & pappa Robin just wouldn't go near the nest again after that? I don't know if they would abandon the nest after it is moved? Gosh, I just don't know. My heart is so sad that they didn't get to grow up big. I feel as though it is partly my fault because this little girl knew that the nest was there because i was checking on them every day. Maybe if i had just left them alone... :(
Well, here is a little 'journey' of my sweet little Robin's. I am so sorry.

These last ones were taken Friday afternoon, right before we left for our trip. When i found them, they possibly have a little bit more wing growth, but this is pretty much how they looked when i found them.
If it makes you feel any better, I have a lump in my throat for you right now.