Home Improvements...
Here is my beautiful home. This is the front of the house. Ü Isn't she adorable?
I love the front of my house. It faces West. We have watched many a beautiful sunsets in the past year from the front of this house. It would just be So wonderful to have the front of the house protected from the weather. Especially this last winter-that was so rough- the weather usually comes right at the front of the house. Plus i would just LOVE an area where we can sit and enjoy company and listen to the sheep in the field across the street, as the sun goes down. So... I have plans on adding a HUGE porch onto the front of my house. I Can't wait! I want it to extend out like 10' deep... at least!
I envision it all decorated with rocking chairs and places to sit and visit.
Here is one option.... if funding reaches that far, it would be nice to extend out the family room in the front of the house (see there on the right?) and then have the porch to the left like this one is! Isn't it so cute!? There also are not any windows on the South side of the house in that front family room. I would like to have two or three windows added to that room on the south side of the house. If i extend that room out as it shows in this picture... there will be plenty of room for three! Sweet!
OR.... another one that i love is this one! To have the porch extend all the way across the front of the house. OH! my gosh! I tell you.... I can not WAIT to have a beautiful yard again! My yards are my pride and joys! Aren't the flower beds on this one so amazing!? I love how they curl around the front of the porch and then down along the front walk way!
