Day Two...
(i love how this picture turned out!)
...Since the last egg hatched. Only 2 days!! it is seriously AMAZING to me how fast they are Changing!!! They are getting uglier by the minute! (lol-only a proud mommy can say that!) and pretty soon they will be beautiful Robin's, only to come back to my yard next spring and make nests of their own & sing me beautiful songs!
They are already starting to get their pinfeathers. WOW!
It RAINED SO HARD this morning! It hasn't rained that hard in a long time. I worried about my lil' ones all day until i could come home and check on them. However, knowing Momma & Pappa Robin, i knew that the babies would be well taken care of. In FACT... it is getting harder and harder to take any pictures!!! momma and pappa are SO protective... and they are getting more frustrated with me being up in the tree. The one Robin (I think that it is the daddy-he has a dark color on his feathers on his head) He dive bomb's my head non stop! I feel him flying right by and my hair flies as he passes me by! Maybe i should be checking for Poo-poo's on me when i am done!! Ü If they could only understand that i absolutely do not want harm to come to them. but they don't and they are just being protective. I think that it is so awesome!

They didn't budge a muscle again when i was up there today. Sound asleep.

Here is a great shot of their new feathers starting to come in! The tiniest one is only ONE day old for goodness sakes! Isn't that amazing!?
Great pictures, Jodi!
THANK YOU so much for stopping by! OH! i am so excited! I hope that all is well in Colorado!
I know... you would think that i have other things to blog about... but i have had so much fun with this little Robin family and checking on them every single day. It has been so fun and interesting!
HEY! stop by any time! I love to check in with you guys... especially when i can see pictures of Lizzy & Claire bear! Ü They are so edible!
Your mothers day post was so fun too! I loved seeing Jen in there and what was with Abbie's face? HAHA!
Paula, THANK YOU for being such a dear friend to Jen and her family! It is hard having her and the babies... and Kent (Ü) so far away. It is good to know that she has such good friends and folks that will help look after them!!
How crazy is it that i had two Paula's post on my blog at the same time!? Ü
Thanks for visiting! I KNOW! The 'Robins' are very good parents! My hair has never been the same! LOL! Mr. Robin obviously loves hair since he has been going for mine every time i try and take a picture... My little 8 year old daughter has decided that we are going to 'save' her hair to put into a 'birdy ball' - the kind that you hang in the trees with yarn and soft things, for next season when they are all building their nests. Ü
have a wonderful weekend! You will have to let me know when the bluejays are hatching!!