HAPPY Mother's Day!!
Thanks to my two AMAZING and WONDERFUL children... this has been the BEST Mother's Day ever! They were so wonderful and tried Very hard to make the day-and even weekend special for me!
They even said that "we want to make Saturday special - to celebrate on Saturday, cause Mother's Day was on SUNDAY... and we can't 'do' anything on Sunday." Ü So they took me on their 'date' on Saturday. Out to The Gateway Mall, and then Rich took us to lunch later in the afternoon. They were very 'attentive' all day. They really did make my day/weekend so special.
I love them so much!

Anyway, on Sunday... they were so cute! They couldn't hardly wait for the moments when i could open up their presents that I know they had worked so hard on... and Helped eachother with! That in itself melted my heart!
Drake helped Sadie purchase this card for me with his money. He also helped Sadie make me up a 'coupon' book with lots of different coupons that i can use. Things like...
- a foot rub - with or without lotion. (LOL!)
- Drake & Sadie will love one another for ONE WHOLE HOUR! Ü
- We can be KIND for one week!
- Mom gets ONE HOUR of 'free' time. Drake and Sadie will lock themselves in their rooms for 1 hour and i get to watch TV! Ü
- Sadie will make me breakfast when i want. She will make me yogurt & toast & 'count out my cereal! (HAHAHA! love it - for those that don't know... a serving size of Frosted Mini Wheats in 24 pieces & that is what i usually have for breakfast)
- Sadie will pick up her room, so Mom can tuck her in at night without tripping.

All week long they had been asking me what i would like. I had told them things like... doing the dishes or a back scratch, things that wouldn't cost anything. Drake had some money in his wallet, and he really wanted to spend it on something for me. He chose ... all on his own... this book.
'The Moms' book. For the Mom that is BEST at EVERYTHING'
awwww! It is a cute little book. I haven't gone through the whole thing, but it has some fun ideas in it! He told me after he bought it without me knowing what it was, that his 'present' was something that i would need to "put a little bit of effort into." Ü
