Day Three with the Robins...

I have to tell ya... today I really put my 'life on the line' to bring you these pictures... and i am not even happy with how the pictures turned out!!!
It has been raining for two days now... and almost constantly today... The tree was/is Very wet! Including that bark, which made it Very slippery! I learned very quickly today, that i needed to hang on with my hands today, and not just depend on my 'tennis shoes' to hold me up there! but how could i NOT check on my babies??
AWWWW! So i get up there and my poor lil guys are SOAKING wet! The nest is wet and i can see that their lil nekked bodies and feathers (what little feathers they have) are wet. awwwww... It made me want to hang a little umbrella up there for them or throw a blanket on them!! They just looked miserable! I imagine that good ol' 'Mother Nature' has a way of taking care of her own, in her own way. More then what i could offer them.
They have certainly changed again today. My goodness! I thought that my two kids, Drake and Sadie were growing up fast!!! LOL!
(click on images for larger picture)
Maya, this picture is for YOU! You asked me today, when i talked to you on the phone, to take a picture of the daddy birdy. This is the one that i think is the daddy Robin. He is the one with the dark feathers on his head! Remember that i told you, that it is hard to take pictures of the mommy and daddy Robin? It is because as soon as i point the camera in their direction, they usually fly off! Well, today... the daddy Robin stayed right there! He was literally MAYBE 12" away from me. If i were brave enough to have let go of the tree branch that i was hanging onto... i probrably could have touched his pretty feathers. But i didnt' dare let go of the WET branch I had adeath grip on!
My Mom reminded me today... she asked me who was going to take my pictures of the Robin family while we are gone the next couple of days? UG! I hadn't thought of that! We will actually only miss Saturday, so i guess it won't be so bad...


auntieC said…
Hi Jods, I have loved watching you become a mother over and over again. Your new little ones remind me of their papa.

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