Breakfast w/ Mapleton Fire Department...
This morning was the annual Fireman's breakfast. YUM!
as we sat down to eat our scrambled eggs, pancakes & grilled ham... we said "awwww, wish that Maya, Kai, Carrie & Addie were here with us!!" (sorry Anthony... we would have said you too... but you were always working every time we went Ü)
as we sat down to eat our scrambled eggs, pancakes & grilled ham... we said "awwww, wish that Maya, Kai, Carrie & Addie were here with us!!" (sorry Anthony... we would have said you too... but you were always working every time we went Ü)
As we were eating... we looked over on the wall of 'uniforms' and saw that one of them had CARLSON on the back of it, so we HAD to try it on so we could show the picture to Abbie, Kate & Claire! It made us wish that they were there with us too!

The new thing that we are laying bets on that lots of kids get hurt on is this thing:

I don't know what it is called, but even Rich & I tried it out... and it was TUNZ of fun! You just hang on to it somewhere along the edge of the green thing that Sadie is hanging onto and then it spins in a circle. It is tilted on its pole so on the side oposite of the brown pole, that side is closer to the ground then the closer side of the brown pole. So as you are going around... you go up higher, then down, then up higher again, then down. When i tried it... on the down side, i could touch the ground so i would run my feet and get us going round pretty good. it was fun. I can see lots of blisters from that thing & i forsee lots of kids getting hurt on it. lol but it was fun!

I love the fireman jacket! Your park looks like so much fun. I love you so much that I want to play with you right now and I miss you!
Love, Claire
It's me Sarah, the new convert from the cedar creek ward. You remember me right? I found your blog through Spencer and Saralyn's blog. How are things going? Sounds like your doing great! We are too! Where do you guys live? Those pictures look like Mapleton, UT. That is where my husband's family lives. We were just there last spring. Well I was glad to see you have a blog and take a little peek into your life. Your kids have grown so much!!