I got the spot on the 'Wasatch Back' relay race!!!
I am so excited and scared to death at the same time! but i feel like this is just what i have needed to get me over this 'hump' that i have seemed to HIT like a brick wall!
If you will remember, i posted about a race... The Wasatch Back race!
You can read that post here.
Well, ... I GOT THE SPOT ON THE TEAM! The race is in TWO WEEKS! YIKES!
I will run as the fourth runner leg. You can see the runners chart here. So, i will run three legs over the two day course of the race. The first run will be the longest and the last one the hardest! (5 miles UP-HILL!!!!?) I am very nervous... but totally excited about the challenge! As you can see by the runners chart... My part of the relay, i will be running 13.2 miles!! That is just over the distance i ran for the Salt Lake Marathon! (here & here) Ü
I have this last 13 lbs to loose, and hopefully this will help me to get over that plateau. (looks like i need to run some HILLS!)
WOW! I am so excited!
My brother Chris has run the 'Hood to Coast' relay race in Portland Oregon several times! I always thought he was CRAZY! Ü Guess i will be asking him for some advice! yippi!
Just want you to know you are such an inspiration! Good luck on your race!!
Thanks for always sharing a wonderful blog!!
your friend, Robin