Ragnar Wasatch Back Relay Race! SWEET!
“Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever.”
--Lance Armstrong
I was so nervous about this race... but it ended up being SO MUCH FUN! In years past when Chris would do the 'Hood to Coast', frankly i thought he was a bit nuts! Now i understand... Ü Although it was completely insane... I think that i now at least understand the craziness of it all. It really was so much fun.
Especially considering that i was doing the Wasatch Back Relay race with a team of people that i really did not know. They were super amazing!~ so friendly and so much fun! I can't WAIT to do it again.
SO... attn family! who would all be in for a "The Campbell Clan CAN" team? Next year for either the Wasatch Back Relay race OR Hood to Coast? I think that it would be a blast!
Here are some of my pictures I took of the event. My team mate Marv had his camera out too... and so i am sure i will have some more to post, as soon as he sends me his pictures from his camera.
Did I mention how much fun this was??? Ü
starting line
Marv. This was the last leg of our car. On this leg... Marv handed the batton to the next car on our team, and we were able to take a little breather. It was SO HOT!
Here are my beautiful team mates. LtoR Jana, Mickey, Shirley (the one that invited me to be on the team. She is the gym instructor-i go to her Wednesday Pump classes), & Suzy! (Suzy got asked to be on the team the DAY before the race & she had one of the very hardest runs. What a hero!) 
Marv & Jana.
Marv & Jana.
I have NEVER in my life seen SO MANY Honey Buckets!!! Oh! my word! Just imagine... 180 miles... 36 exchange points & over 500 teams of 12, plus drivers & volunteers! Holy Moly! Someone had to place all these Honey Buckets along the race. MAN! there were a LOT of them! LOL! 
This was Snow Basin. HOW BEAUTIFUL! There is a great big lodge there, that provided bathrooms with sinks where we were able to clean up a bit and rest some in the shade of the building. We ate and rested while the other car on our team was running their legs...
Marv & Shirley. (They are married with EIGHT kids!-Hero's!!!)
Suzy-OUT for the count! Ü
Marvelous Marv!
I LOVE these next two shots! Isn't it beautiful? Sure... I thought so then....
This is the leg RIGHT BEFORE my last hardest leg. See the mountain there in the distance... No, not the HILL... the MOUNTAIN...? That was/is the 5 mile uphill climb i had to make right after this leg... up and over the pass! yikes! but i DID it.. AND... I did it with 11 minute miles too! SWEET! I was so proud of myself for that one...
There goes Mickey... then it will be my turn...
Our team number: 168 "Your Pace or Mine?" (love it!)

At the finish line... Drake took this one Ü

Here we all are... with medals and all! I was sunburned and tired and it was HOT!

This was Snow Basin. HOW BEAUTIFUL! There is a great big lodge there, that provided bathrooms with sinks where we were able to clean up a bit and rest some in the shade of the building. We ate and rested while the other car on our team was running their legs...
Marv & Shirley. (They are married with EIGHT kids!-Hero's!!!)
This is the leg RIGHT BEFORE my last hardest leg. See the mountain there in the distance... No, not the HILL... the MOUNTAIN...? That was/is the 5 mile uphill climb i had to make right after this leg... up and over the pass! yikes! but i DID it.. AND... I did it with 11 minute miles too! SWEET! I was so proud of myself for that one...