Happy Birthday Sweet Kate!
Now don't get me wrong... I think that there is a remarkable resemblance that Nana discovered of Anthony and Mabel:
(see HERE)but there is just something hidden in Po(the Panda Bear), that SCREAMS Anthony to me. ÜÜÜ Maybe his healthy appetite, his rockin king fu skills, or maybe his outlook on life. Ü You can DO it! Ü
Here is Jen and Tia in the movie theater... just before the start of the movie. hehee!
Lets see... Sadie turned 8 in January.... Kate has just turned 7.
8 + 8 = 16. 7 + 8 = 15.
I am thinking that Jen & I have about 8 years... and then we are in BIG trouble... Ü Aren't they both just so amazingly beautiful?
Sadie & Maia (finally warming up to the camera). So cute!
Happy Birthday Kate! Littlest Pet Shop ROCKS! Ü
(K, so Jen... I think that this picture is SO sweet of you and Claire!)
Drake & Dakotta
