I got the spot on the 'Wasatch Back' relay race!!!
I am so excited and scared to death at the same time! but i feel like this is just what i have needed to get me over this 'hump' that i have seemed to HIT like a brick wall!
If you will remember, i posted about a race... The Wasatch Back race!
You can read that post here.
Well, ... I GOT THE SPOT ON THE TEAM! The race is in TWO WEEKS! YIKES!

I will run as the fourth runner leg. You can see the runners chart here. So, i will run three legs over the two day course of the race. The first run will be the longest and the last one the hardest! (5 miles UP-HILL!!!!?) I am very nervous... but totally excited about the challenge! As you can see by the runners chart... My part of the relay, i will be running 13.2 miles!! That is just over the distance i ran for the Salt Lake Marathon! (here & here) Ü
I have this last 13 lbs to loose, and hopefully this will help me to get over that plateau. (looks like i need to run some HILLS!)
WOW! I am so excited!
My brother Chris has run the 'Hood to Coast' relay race in Portland Oregon several times! I always thought he was CRAZY! Ü Guess i will be asking him for some advice! yippi!


Flora said…
Jodie I had just come over to say HOWDY!! but your words sucked me in so! You do have a way with them my dear, A BIG CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR WATSATCH RACE..I hope I spelled it right! Thank you for such lovely blogging to read.
Carrie said…
Way to Go Jod. I know how much you wanted this challange. GOod luck. I am so proud of you. Look where you were just 5 months ago and now you are running another half marathon. YIPEE!!!
Nan Campbell said…
CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am happy for you because I know you really wanted to do this....crazy, crazy. It must be a real high when you finish, cause it just sounds like torture to me! Good luck! Love ya!
Nan Campbell said…
Uhhh, I just looked at the date of the race....dang, the weekend after we leave. Bummer! What is the name of your team? Is Jen going to stay there for it?
auntieC said…
YEA for Jodi...you will do great!! Take lots of pic's. I'll be there with you..ah,in spirit :)
Cindy said…
Jodi I'm so proud of you!!! You are an inspiration to me in so many ways. Love you my sweet friend! xoxoxo!
Anonymous said…
Jodi!! Congrats!
Just want you to know you are such an inspiration! Good luck on your race!!

Thanks for always sharing a wonderful blog!!

your friend, Robin
anniescupboards said…
Hey YOU! Congrats and Oh My GOODNESS arent you just going places? You go GIRL! You are such an awesome friend! I just wanted to let you know I am listening to all your music choices. They help me get thru the morning chores. (and some late night day dreaming hehe) XOXO
Paula said…
Yay for you!! You go girl!

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