The ups and downs of life...

The Carlson's come on Saturday... YEA!

I 'get' to speak in Sacrament meeting on Sunday. EEKS!

Nana & Papa come on Wednesday... YEA!

I 'get' to present sharing time in primary on Father's Day.... EEKS!


Jen and Kent said…
We can't wait to get there!!! The kids are beside them self excited. This was Claires prayer last night:
"please help us to have fun in Utah
please help Jake to have fun and Kate to have fun too. Please bless us to go to Utah. Please bless Jo Jo to like Kung Foo Panda and please bless me to like Kung Foo Panda. Amen"

At the end of the prayer we were all smiling and she looks up and says, "What, I am excited to go to Utah!"

Umm... you think!
Jodi June said…
OH! my gosh Jen! How funny!
I am trying SO HARD to get my talk done BEFORE You get here... so that i am not FREAKING OUT!
I think that it is coming alone ok.
Carrie said…
I am SO jealous. I never thought I would say this....but I wish we hadn't moved yet. (weep)
Carrie said…
Claire.....I just wish you were coming here. Maybe, in your next prayer you can say "please bless that mom and dad will also decide to go to Oregon because i miss my aunt Carrie so much I can hardly stand it any more. please, oh please oh please Heavenly Father. Amen"

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