UEA weekend almost ended in the death of my dog...
We didn't have any plans on going anywhere, so i thought that it would be fun to put up the tent for the kids to play in, and for us to sleep in for a few nights. Well appearantly, for SOME reason the tent called Scamp's attention...
This is what we found when we drove up the driveway from Church on Sunday!
No, that is NOT a 'sunroom' in our tent!!! Nor did i attempt in putting in a "new window"....
The crazy thing is... he TOTALLY knew that he had done a NO NO! Why in the world??? GRRR!
with ears PINNED to the back of his neck, he KNEW that he was in trouble!
DANG Beast!!! Guess we get to buy a new Tent! Ü oh yippi... Yeaaa, that was so NOT at the top of my list...
Needless to say he got NO loving attention from me for DAYS & spent a good portion of yesterday in TIME OUT in the bathroom! (i was so mad, i almost locked him in the cellar room!) I am still mad at him, but I did play ball with him this morning... grrrrrrr!
..sorry Jods..i know it isn't funny,but the look on that naughty dogs face just cracks me up! Bad Bad haha Scamp!snicker...oohhh,man