... but I know how crazy busy life can get, so here is a friendly reminder!
Tomorrow is going to be a BIG day for
Nie. First, there is going to be the
benifit 5k run. (it makes me wish my sisters were both here with me to participate with me, afterall-family is what it is all about!!) Please read about it
HERE. Drake, Sadie and I will be there
BRIGHT & EARLY. The three of us are going to
volunteer this time around instead of
RUN. That is where we were needed... and we are
happy to help! We of course will still be donating monitarily of course! The three of us would
LOVE to see you there! Please come and join us! pass on the word to
ALL your
friends. I promise to wave at you and
cheer and
encourage you on as you run by us!
OH! and just LOOK who else will be there!
HERE! I am tellin' you... this is going to be
the place to BE! so please come and run-have a
good time-and donate to the
NieNie recovery fund. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! xoxo

If you simply can't come to the run tomorrow morning... how about you meet us
HERE, later in the afternoon. The weather man
promises that things will
warm up just a bit by then. It will be a beautiful day to hang out with us @ the
The Mother in Me Book Release Party and Nie Fundraiser! SO... come and hang out with us from 2-4 p.m..at the
Deseret Bookstore in the University Mall, located in Orem, Utah.
You can participate
online by purchasing copies of
The Mother in Me on
Deseret Book's website anytime on Saturday, October 18th.
(Note: this fundraiser does not include purchases made through Amazon.com)
