
Well, we got our Wii. We have spent the last two days playing tennis, bowling, baseball, boom blox, tanks, etc. etc. etc. Oh my goodness!~ i seriously can't believe that i have given in. I have always said that i will never purchase a gaming system! Well... i did. and even i have had fun.
Drake woke up this morning and told me" Mom, my arm and shoulder and elbow hurt." I laughed so hard! He was like... 'waaaaaat'? I think that I might even have some sore muscles tomorrow! too funny!


Nan Campbell said…
OH BOY! Another family bites the dust!!!Have the Carlsons succumbed to the Wii yet? Good luck with that one Jen!!! I must admit...they are fun to play and very addicting! Who's up for bowling? (I'm pretty good at that one)!
Jen and Kent said…
No, we haven't given in yet! I am sure the day is fast approaching but we are still holding out strong!!! Secretly I love it too but just don't let the kids know that.

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