My BOY - Kai
first i have to appologize if you had a certain purpose for this video. (if you did... let me know and i will remove it from here)
Otherwise... i just simply could NOT resist!!!
first i have to appologize if you had a certain purpose for this video. (if you did... let me know and i will remove it from here)
Otherwise... i just simply could NOT resist!!!
So.... the last several days, i have been thinking of MY 'babies'. My nieces and nephews that i love so very much and miss so terribly! They have been at the very front of my thoughts!!(along with all the emotions that come along with thinking about how much i miss them) I had planned on calling Maya, cause i wanted to share a new song that we love with her. so... when Maya called me this morning, it surprised me &... OH MY GRACIOUS!!! The water works started in a BIG WAY. I felt so bad. I was trying so hard to control myself because i didn't want Maya to feel bad that i was bawling my stinkin eyes out. I don't think it worked because after a while, she asked if i wanted to talk to Kai. she gave the phone to Kai, and then went and got her Mommy. (Carrie said later that Maya had come to her and hugged her leg. Carrie of course asked her what was wrong, and Maya told her.... "um Mom, I think Aunt Jodi misses us.")(UH! when Carrie told me that... the water works continued. They never stopped actually....)
So, anyway-one reason that i was going to call Maya is to tell her about a new song that we LOVE! I wanted her to listen to it. So i told her about it. One of the ways that i was thinking that i could send it to her, was to find the video on YouTube and then send Carrie the link. SO...
(now that this story is getting long... ) lol
that is what took me to YouTube.
Just so happens that i noticed that Carrie had just uploaded this new video of Kai and his beloved A B C's...
Just so happens that i noticed that Carrie had just uploaded this new video of Kai and his beloved A B C's...
OH! my Stinkin' DELICIOUS!!
and here is the new song that I wanted to share with my Nieces & Nephews. Drake, Sadie & I turn up the speakers real super loud and dance around...
Papa's song (Neil Diamond) does the same thing for us... but it only usually has its full effect of FUN if Papa is around...
turn up your speakers... it is hard to resist the beat! Ü
turn up your speakers... it is hard to resist the beat! Ü