The Day that we had waited for and worked for and FINALLY made happen! Soooo long in coming! and here it was! Daddy arrived Tuesday evening with the truck. He had driven all the way from Oregon. Thank you SO much to all those that helped him pack up the truck and do it safely and so well! I sure appreciate all your help in my absence!
It was dark when Dad got here, but the kids wanted to have him open up the back of the truck so that they could see what was there! One of the first things that came off the truck was the lawnmower! OH! i was giddy about that one! I started that little puppy up and gave her a spin! In the dark and all.
The kids were so excited. The next morning before school, of course they had the back of that truck opened again, running up and down the ramp of course.

Here we are! just a rearin' to go and get that truck unloaded!
The sun was just barely coming up over the mountains.
Thank GOODNESS for amazing and wonderful neighbors. A good neighbor from down the street and a member of my church ward, got his construction work crew together and they all came over to unload the truck. Would you believe that they had that entire truck unloaded in about 20 minutes!? It was a whirlwind! I just felt like I stood in place and whirled around only getting myself dizzy as i watched them all whiz by me saying... which room for this? which room for that??
Mom was so shocked when I went in to find her as she was still finishing up doing her hair. She said... " how is it going"? I said GREAT! the truck is all unloaded! WHAT she said? ALl of it? YUP! ALL of it! They got that truck unloaded faster then she could do her hair!! Ü
If you look carefully... you can see Mom on the couch under the black bag... under the North side window! lol
Thank you SO much Steve Murdock and crew! xoxo
Almost a shame actually. All that time you took to load it Dad and Mike and crew! Ü
Daddy and Drake. My two favorite men in the whole world!! Taking a well deserved break. Drake was so mad at me. He had begged earlier in the morning to stay home from school so that he could help unload the truck. I though that for SURE it would take us hours to unload the truck. Well when Steve and his crew showed up, it was a surprise and they had the truck unloaded so fast... I dint' even have time to blink hardly... let alone go and get Drake from school so he could help. OH! he was upset when he got home and saw that empty truck. Sorry Drake. Now... go and clean your room! Ü
Amy and the girls