Today, I made a Difference!!

Being someone that will make a difference has always been the way that i want to live & try to live each day of my life. However, I can't tell you how many times that i have struggled with the fact that this world is SUch a BIG place & I am just one teeny tiny little part of the Great BIG World that we live in. How on EARTH can just little ol me make a difference? I ask myself that every single day. There have been times that i have felt so small. Wanting to do so much, yet feeling helpless. I still struggle with this. What can I possible do to make a difference?
Well, today, for the first time that i can recall - finally, for some reason-I really felt like I made a difference.

I exercised my right as a citizen of the United States of America, as an AMERICAN, to VOTE! In an election, that will possibly make history.

I am very aware that even what i was involved in today, I am still just one small vote in the BIG picture. I don't know what the outcome will be yet. I don't know that my one little vote will turn the tides in the direction that i would like them too... but I VOTED!

I feel proud.
it helped me to feel hopeful
I feel this is important
I feel like this is my Civic Duty

and no matter what the outcome, I am so very thankful that i live in the country that i do.
I am thankful for my freedoms.
I am thankful, that as a single mother-i am able to provide for my children in a country that will allow me to do so.

I did my part!
fulfilled MY responsibility-my civic duty
I made MY voice heard!
I Voted! and it felt GOOD!


Jenny said…
You are so cute Jodi!! Good job!!! Being proud to be an American is what made this great nation what it is, and hopefully what it still will be after this election.
Flora said…
I voted too..I'm ashamed to say for the very first time!..But I'm happy and proud too! I too hope it stays " AMERICAN "!!!!
Shauna said…
I love you JoJo! You are so cute. I love the nose sticker. Why didn't I think of that???

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