Sunday is church day! We were able to visit my old ward in Sherwood. It is always fun to see everyone @ church and say hello. Friendly faces and lots of hugs and hello's! I miss them so much sometimes, so it is good to see old friends.

After sitting in church & then feeding our faces, along with some of Kai's yummy belly laughs...
...we all had some energy that needed to be spent! First it was wraastling with Uncle Topher. As you might know, The volume level of the Campbell Clan is already set pretty high on a normal basis. I would say 'above normal'. (Kent, Anthony & Saralyn-and even Erin have all adjusted so well! Ü-a Home Depot box of earplugs seems to help) Add Uncle Chris to the mix...along with 11 cousins 10 & under - That always gets the kids screaming with delight. Us 'mom's' usually lay bets on either *how long it will take to break something in Nana's house, *who is the first to cry... or *how long it will take, this time, for the first one to cry. but it doesn't ever seem to stop them. they LOVE LOVE LOVE to wrestle with their Uncle Topher! Did I mention lots of Screaming?

Here we see both Jen & Carrie... trying desperately to GET OUT OF THE WAY! Care, WAY TO GO on the Addison rescue! Ü
THEN.... after lots of wrestling, flying babies, bodies being tossed around - up into the air-onto couches-& even back and forth to other willing adults, and not too many tears this time...
The Dance Party began!!
It all started of course, when Papa put on "Papa's song!!". (I am sure the song has a different name, just none of us know it. It has always just been 'Papa's Song'.) Ü good ol' Neil Diamond!!

Beautiful children too.