Newport Oregon Marathon! - 05.30.09
Here we are at the start line! BEAUTIFUL Oregon morning.
some fog & perfect temp!

it certainly didn't stay cold! The sun came out, but it was still so nice! just had to shed the sweatshirt... unless you are Saralyn who only weighs like 10 lbs or something like that... Ü
adventually i even wished that i had worn a tank, but i just ended up pulling my sleeves up through the shoulders on my sports bra. improvised!
our Very handsome photog & biggest course fan! THANKS CHRIS!!! (nice self portrait!)
at this point, i had rounded the 'turn-around' point and was headed to the finish!
More than half way there!
When i first saw this picture... I was kinda bummed that it came out, out-of-focus. However, the more i thought about it... this was around mile 20 or so i think... and it is a picture of exactly how i felt! HAHA!
I sorta remember Chris asking me how i felt. "I am spent!" i think i said...
right before my second wind kicked in and i was able to finish pretty strong!
After 50 million miles of uphill at the end... finally there was about 2 feet of downhill to the finish! GOSH that last few miles uphill was a nightmare!
Everybody throw your hands up in the air!
I had a Ceaser chicken salad! HAHA!
But really Jods, I am so proud of you, and all that you have accomplished.
Have a great day! ~Stacey
You and your blog are ALWAYS so inspirational, it's been too long since I've come over to visit.
I have to make it a point to visit more often so that I might always be inspired...
Thank you and blessings,