Exactly what my Heart needed...

joy (joi)


a. Intense and especially ecstatic or exultant

b. The expression or manifestation of such

A source or an object of pleasure or satisfaction.

v. joyed, joy·ing, joys

To take great pleasure; rejoice.

v.tr. Archaic
1. To fill with ecstatic happiness, pleasure, or

2. To enjoy.

ALL day in the beautiful, warm sunshine...

& a good DIG in the DIRT! ahhhhhhhhh does a body goooood!


Carrie said…
No Fair! I am getting so anxious to get my hands dirty!
cheryl close said…
So were you gardening? Are your bulbs starting to come up? WOW! You are ahead of us! Can't believe it. I was just telling your momma Sat. that I don't have the gardening bug yet...ugh! weeds,slugs,bugs,oh my
Jodi June said…
Cheryl & Care,
YES! Saturday was Seriously the most beautiful day!!! I was up @ 5, did my long run, came home & we were outside literally the entire day! I did Not want the sun to go down.
They are supposed to start work on my porch & the garage today!!! so i was out spring cleaning the yard and getting ready to move plants that will be covered up by the porch. yea yea yea!

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