Uncle Spencer is a studying dentist.
While we were visiting on our trip to Oregon for Thanksgiving, I scheduled for Drake & Sadie to make a visit to their Uncle Spencer @ the dental School for a cleaning & a check-up. We knew that Sadie would need some work done on a few cavities. eeks@!
It was pretty kewl that my baby brother was able to do the work on Sadie. WTG Spence! I am so proud of you and all your hard work that you have put into your dentistry.
This is hard for a momma to watch.
I was able to sit right there with Sadie the entire time.
Holding her hand.
Sometimes more for me then for her....
Sadie was so brave. She was all ready to go the entire morning. However... once we got 'really started' and down to the nitty gritty... she got a little scared. HELLO! who wouldn't? It was very cold back there in that room; the chair was big; she had to wear silly glasses Ü; and all the instruments are cold and shiney. It made me nervous!
The tears started a little bit, but Sadie was able to calm down. She did so great! Having a cavity filled is NOT pleasant. Sadie was such a trooper and Uncle Spencer did an amazing job!
It was very interesting for me to be able to watch him at work & see exactly what goes into the work we have done on our teeth. It was hard to watch "Sadie" having the work done, but it was interesting for me to see & actually seeing it done, made it less scary for me. It is just so aweful when you are the one sitting in the chair... and not knowing exactly what is going on. Now i feel like know a little bit of what 'goes on', and that makes it a little less scary.
Spencer did an AMAZING job on Sadie's SHOTS! I thought that she hadn't even SEEN the needle, but come to find out when we were on our way back to Nana's house, Sadie proceeded to describe the 'needle contraption' to a T! She had seen the WHOLE THING! and didn't even freak out while Spencer was giving the shot! OH! i was So extra proud of her then... She Had seen it, and was still so brave!
(the guy standing behind Spencer's left shoulder is a friend of Spencer's and was the one working on Drake, as Spencer took good care of Sadie. You can't see Drake in this picture, but that is where he was; so i could see both the kids.)
Uncle Spencer was so great about explaining every little detail to Sadie before he started.
Drake was sitting in the chair behind Sadie. I could see him from where i was sitting with Sadie. When i looked over at him, i realized by the look on his face, that he was a bit nervous too. (can you see "the look" on his face?) I went over to chat with him a bit, and he did just Great! He was nervous, but so brave. Drake ended up having ZERO cavities! Way to go Drake! and just received a good cleaning and treatment! Sweet!