ONE of the BEST days of my LIFE!... 04/19/08

Well, I DID IT!!! On Saturday, April 19th, i ran my heart out! i ran my HALF MARATHON! It was WONDERFUL! OH!!! I wish you could have all been there! It was SO Great to have my sister Carrie there! She is the BEST cheerleader! She had ALL FIVE KIDS with her at the finish line. (my two & her three! one of them a newborn!!!! isn't she crazy!? )

I tell ya! I am SO EXCITED! I have been trying So hard to just HOLD on to this feeling i have had since Saturday! I am afraid that i am going to forget what it felt like! It was AMAZING! It was really one of the best days ever!!! I just don't know that the day could have been any more perfect! The weather was perfect! Not too cold and not too warm. Just a perfect breeze/wind blowing (sometimes at my back... which was a wonderful thing! push wind PUSH! hehee) My
body felt amazing! the whole way! I would have liked to have slept more soundly the night before... I was just SO worried that I wasn't going to wake up to my alarm! but the hotel was clean and very nice. The ENERGY in the aire was UnREAL!! There were SO MANY PEOPLE! and not just runners...
but cheerleaders! All along the entire route of the race. The entire 13.1 miles of it! The energy was amazing from the start to the finish! I would have to say that it was addicting! It was SO MUCH FUN!

The entire time, i just tried to remind myself of my goals. I was SO Nervous!!! before the race! I was so worried that i would "hit a wall" like i did on my very first half marathon in Moab. (some of you will remember that, oh! so long ago! LOL!) UG! My memories of running marathons weren't so great... Ü I was so scared... that if i had 'hit a wall', Carrie wasn't with me this time (i was running on my own)... and i didn't bring my cell phone! What would i have done? That would have been awful! (now that i think of it -- that could have been very bad!! haha!! I could have been crawling back at mile 9 & Carrie would be stuck with all five kids at the finish line FOREVER!!) (it was bad enough trying to find each other after i crossed the finish line with me not having any line of communication-I had thought about carrying my cell with me, but it being
the dinosaur that it is... just didn't want to carry anything bulky)

Anyway, I just kept asking myself... am i going to fast? I kept reminding myself that my goal was to just finish, and feel better then i did in Moab and feel good about what i had accomplished. It was so AMAZING!
There was one point about mile 11, that i thought... ut-oh! but by mile 11.5... i caught a second wind and was FINE! by that time... i was just so excited! After 11.5 comes 12!!! and that meant that i only had a little over ONE MILE LEFT! OH! i was so excited!!!

I didn't have to stop! not ONCE! I got water and Gatorade twice, but i was so scared that if i stopped... my legs wouldn't go again! HAHA! I just kept on truckin! It really was a SUPER day! I am so thrilled at how it all went! My finishing time was 2hours 16min which gave me a per mile time of 10min. 27sec!!!
That is almost an HOUR better then what my time was in Canyonlands!!! and it was NIGHT AND DAY on how i felt when i was finished! not even close in comparison!! GOALS ACCOMPLISHED!

I felt amazing! There is still room for improvement on my time... so I HAVE to do it again!!! hehee!

The only thing that I would change for next year... is to have BOTH my sisters there RUNNING WITH me!

When i woke up that morning, i wished that Carrie had been there with me. (she is the one that got me to run the first one and she ran it with me)

I do have to say though, that i am SO thankful for the chance that i got to run this race on my own. (not that i didn't want Carrie there... cause i did) But It just forced me to see if i could do it. Now i know that i can do it!

New registrations for 2009 opened at midnight on Sunday (the 20th) and I am already signed up! Carrie said that she wants to do it with me... now i have to convince my other sister Jen!

As we were at the expo, the day before the race. Picking up our shirts and running chips, we found out that DISNEYLAND has a half Marathon race in August!!!! It goes through the park. Wouldn't that be so fun!? I looked into it a little bit on Sunday. It can be a bit pricey with travel & lodging & food & just the registration fee for the race was $100.00, but if we can work it out
somehow... it would be so FUN!

I seriously couldn't be happier about how i did! A LOT of hard work has gone into my running this race since January. I wish that i could hold on to this feeling FOREVER! I am proud of myself! It was a great accomplishment for me and i DID IT! woowhoo!

Also, here are some pictures that were taken by the race people:

JodiAllen bib
(they are fun to look at... but so pricey of course!)

Here is a little clip of when i had finished the race:


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